Just a quick update on our current location.
Last Sunday we drove from Silverton to Crested Butte. Along the way we traveled the second half of the famed Million Dollar Highway.
After stocking up on groceries and propane in Montrose we continued east, stopping for lunch alongside the blue blue waters of the Blue Mesa Reservoir. We tried to stay at one of the many campgrounds that dot the shoreline last year, but that pesky lack of cell service foiled our plans, and we were only able to spend one night.
After lunch we continued to Gunnison where we turned north and headed up to Crested Butte. Here we are coming into town.
Our destination was one of the boondocking spots on Washington Gulch road only a few miles from town. If you’re not in a giant motorhome, or towing a 40′ trailer (and not afraid to drive down a bumpy dirt road) there are quite a few opportunities for boondocking in Crested Butte. The problem, as usual, is that many of them don’t have cell service. Last year we found found an incredible spot on Washington Gulch Rd. with some speedy cell service, so back we went. Well we didn’t end up in the same spot because there were already a good number of RVs in the spot we called “our meadow” last year. No problem. Instead we found a spot not far away off a little traveled dead-end dirt road with some great mountain views and lots of wildflowers.
We plan to spend a full two weeks here in the this spot, so they’ll be lots more blog posts with photos of mountains and wildflowers coming soon!
I hope a Question to you will be allowed ? I’m fairly new to computers and green to rving . I became disabled in 2011 ,but for the last six months my wife and I have been considering fulltime rving so we can spend time with grandkids . But my wife would have to do all the setup and breaking down of our campsite . In your opinon could we do this in an Airstream without her doing a lot of heavy lifting .Thank you for any help on this subject .
I think this is a great question, Bill. Thanks for bringing it up!
Hi Bill- I think she could manage it, but it is a lot of work for one person. There’s not a lot of heavy lifting involved in set up and break down of camp. I think the most complicated part is hitching up, towing, and backing/parking. Of course, those are skills that anyone can learn – man or woman. You may want to contact some solo Airstream women to ask their opinion. The two that come to mind are Kerri from http://captains-log.us and Yon from http://buttersandbambi.com. Also might be a good question to ask on the Airforums website (http://www.airforums.com). Good luck and feel free to ask us any other questions you might have.
Feel free to submit photos to our Gunnison-Crested Butte facebook page. We’d love to share them. Your blog is fantastic! Do you have a facebook or twitter profile? I couldn’t seem to find one. Enjoy your visit!
Thanks for the comment Rebecca! Crested Butte is one our very places to visit in Colorado.
You can find both our facebook & Twitter links near the top of the sidebar, or under the contact us page.
You guys know how to pick the sweetest spots to call home! Love the photo of the wildflowers and your Airstream in the background.
We try our best to find amazing spots! That’s one of my favorite photos too. The wildflowers are out in full force right now. Lots more photos to share next week.
Great post, Amanda. Great photos. We have a 25′ also and are also always looking for Internet connections, though we’re far from full timing. Keep up the great information and wonderful photos!
Thanks Jackie! Looking for a good connection is a fact of life for us. Without it there is no work, and without work, we couldn’t go to all these cool places. So we continue to search, and sometimes we get very lucky and find a place like this with a strong signal in a gorgeous, private, free spot!
Excellent spot to spend several weeks! Enjoy