Our last week in Maine was fairly uneventful. After our big weekend of touring lighthouses, we ended up back at Winslow Memorial Park where we spent the week enjoying a fantastic ocean view.

Ahhh…ocean view
As usually happens when we return to the same campground after only a short amount of time, we couldn’t find the motivation to do any major exploring. Instead the week consisted of work during the day, afternoon strolls around the campground, and lots of time enjoying that awesome view. The tide schedule was such that we had a hard time getting out for any kayaking. With low tide in the afternoon all week we couldn’t get the boats anywhere near the water. Luckily, on our last day Tim was able to move around his work schedule so we could fit in one final paddling adventure around the bay.

Last paddle on the Maine coast
The next day we packed up and headed east to New Hampshire. It was a short drive over to the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee where we set up at the Pine Hollow Campground. I somehow neglected to take a single photo of our site, but trust me when I tell you you’re not missing much. It was basically a tightly packed campground with sites on a forested hillside. You know the kind where your neighbors smoky fire drifts into your bedroom window and makes you cough and sneeze at 9am even though it’s already 85 degrees out? Or the kind where you can hear every bit of their conversation discussing the merits of Donald Trump and how the U.S. could solve all its immigration problems by simply purchasing the country of Mexico? Yeah…it was like that.
It didn’t matter though because we weren’t there to spend time at the campground — we were there for a family vacation! That’s right, a real vacation with no work (well, a little work for me because I am weird like that) and no need to spend 8 hours at a time in the Airstream on our computers. Yay!
Tim’s aunt and uncle, Judy & Mike, have a time share condo near the lake and have been vacationing here for many years. This year we got in on the fun and joined them along with Tim’s cousins and their kids, Tim’s uncle, Tim’s mom, sister, her husband, and their kids for a large fun filled gathering.
We ended up with the perfect hot and sunny vacation-at-the-lake-weather. To beat the heat we spent most of our time enjoying the boat…

On the boat

Us — cousin Amy & Tim – Carol, me & Tim
In one of the four pools at the condo complex…

Big kids & little kids having fun at the pool
And out on the lake paddling around.

Kayaking with Carol

Group kayaking & SUPing
We also had a great time eating, laughing, chatting, and enjoying my recently acquired adult coloring book. (Have you heard of these? If you’re like me and enjoy art but have no artistic talent, this book is for you).

Coloring, cousins, and cooling off with ice cream
The week flew by and before we knew it it was time to say goodbye. We had such a great time reconnecting with family who we hadn’t seen in a long time, meeting the youngest family member for the first time, and spending time with family who we probably won’t see again until next summer. This family vacation week had been a long anticipated part of our summer, and now that it’s over we are already looking forward to next year… although next time we’ll probably pick a different campground :)
What a great week! Love the boat, kayaking and lake pictures…and the huge smiles on all of your faces!
It was fun. So great to be out on the water with family!
That looks like a fun, action-packed family gathering! So glad you had something good to take you from the crappy park!
I’ve been eyeing those coloring books, they look fun!
You should definitely get yourself one of the coloring books. I can’t believe how much fun it is!
The smiles really say it all – what a great time with family! Glad you were able to spend most of your stay away from the campground. Coloring is so relaxing – and doesn’t use any data! My favorite “subject” is mandalas and they have several (lots) of mandala coloring books to choose from. Just picked up a new one in Port Townsend with a box of fresh, pointy colored pencils :-))))