We have arrived in Kentucky. First stop — the Twin Knobs Campground on Cave Run Lake in eastern Kentucky. Like everywhere else we have stayed these last few weeks, the campground was getting ready to close for the season and only had roughly a quarter of their 200 sites open. They don’t take reservations this time of year though, so despite it being a busy weekend there were still some available sites when we arrived around mid-morning on Saturday.

Nice and private
The lady at the check-in area apologized for not having any open waterfront sites, but recommended this “very private” site. She was right on. It ended up being an awesome spot tucked back in the woods with a giant yard.

Lots o’ leaves

Lake side site
Traveling south this time of year is like going back in time. For the past few weeks we’ve arrived at our destination to find just a hint of fall foliage. During our stay the colors increase and intensify — and then we move south and start the cycle over again. Since we don’t plan to head farther south for another couple weeks, hopefully the colors will catch up to us.

Early fall in Kentucky

Kayaking Cave Run Lake

The famous Twin Knobs

Bike Break

Hiking along the lake
We had an enjoyable week with lots of outdoor activities, including hiking, biking and kayaking. We also had a bit of drama in the form of some unwanted middle of the night intruders. I shared the story on our Facebook Page:
Well, it was good while it lasted. It’s been over a year since we last had a mouse in the house. Unfortunately, when we arrived at the campground this week we heard one the first night. Tim put out some Fresh Cab (a stinky product that smells like Christmas puked all over your house) hoping that would keep them away. Apparently the mice in Kentucky like the smell of evergreens because one came in last night and started making all sorts of noise.
I went out to investigate and tracked the noise to an upper cabinet where we keep food. When I opened the door and shined the flashlight in, there he was staring at me with his beady little eyes.
I took a few things out and was working up the courage to reach in with a plastic bag when suddenly he leapt out at me and landed in my hair!!!! As you would expect, several minutes (okay, maybe 10) of hysterics followed where I jumped around screaming “he was in my hair, he was in my hair” I had no idea mice could jump like that and I might be forever traumatized. Tonight the traps come out. I will have my revenge.
I guess people love a good mouse story because the post received a ton of comments. Most expressed a mix of sympathy and glee (cause it’s fun when freaky things happen to other people), while others offered advice (get a dog, a cat, etc.), and one person even requested a video should it happen again (umm..no). Anyway, things improved the next night when Tim trapped two before they had a chance to run around the house or jump on me, and we haven’t seen any more since. Not yet at least.

This mat does not apply to mice!
We’ve since moved on to a different campground and so far have had no more unwanted guests. This is not our first go round with those nasty rodents though (for a really good story read about our last encounter), so just in case, the traps are set and in place.
Up next: We discover the two things Kentucky is the most famous for — horses & bourbon!
I don’t think your mouse story is one bit funny. A couple of weeks ago there was a mouse on our coach running up and down the side and roof on the outside, driving our Wire Fox Terrier crazy. Then I couldn’t sleep, made myself a cup of tea, sat on the couch only to have the little beady eye peak his head through the vent on our air conditioner. I screamed and I think I scared him as much as he scared me. We haven’t seen him since. I heard moth balls around the outside of the air conditioner unit will work to keep them away. Good luck!! Very pretty pictures.
Ahhh! The only thing worse than hearing a mouse is seeing one! Luckily we have not any more incidents (crosses fingers).
That is the most extreme case of mouse invasion I have ever heard of! I can’t even imagine your level of distress!!!!! Thank goodness you caught two right away!
Love the fall atmosphere!
It was pretty extreme! A week later and I’m still a bit traumatized :)
I’m loving the Kentucy colors! What a beautiful spot you had…
Kentucky is very pretty, but it gets better…just wait until what I have to show you next!
That private spot is beautiful, having pretty leaves you don’t have to rake is a bonus! Looks like the water was perfect for a paddle. We managed to run off our mouse with tea tree oil on a couple cotton pads in the lower cupboards, and fortunately we never had to see it – just saw evidence :-( Glad yours didn’t invite more friends before you left the area!
Yup, no raking is a huge bonus! I feel the same way when we stay at a grassy campsite…that we don’t have to mow! Glad you managed to get rid of your mouse before you had to see it. Hope you never come face to face with one.
Such a small creature can cause such terror! Not making fun honest, I had a close encounter also with a mouse creature and it was no way funny. (Although my friends thought it was hysterical). I have since been told using dryer sheets will keep them out also using Irish Spring soap will keep them out also moth balls. So to make triple sure, I will use all 3 ideas. One of them is bound to work. Good luck and safe travel!
We’ve tried all of these methods, but I think all mice are not created equal and every once in awhile there is that one who just doesn’t care and comes in anyway!
I shivered when I read your mouse encounter. We were 8 days in Calif. We didn’t get back home until almost midnight. When we walked in to the house, we found mice poop everywhere in the kitchen and living room. Our carpet looked like they had a barn dance. Greg found traps and set them out. We caught 10 mice overnight and the next day. They had eaten through a plastic peanut butter jar. They had one hell of a party in our kitchen drawers and closets. So, so, so disgusting. We went and bought the Fresh Cab and a fresh supply of new mouse traps. So far, fingers and toes crossed, we haven’t seen any more little creatures.
Okay…you win the prize for the worst mouse story! Sounds like they had a blast while you were away. I hope you don’t have any more unwanted invasions.
Actually, your mouse jumping at you from the closet really freaked me out. I learned about the Cab Fresh from your recent mouse nest invasion. I’m happy to be second mouse fiddle.