Only one week left before we hitch up and head out. On one hand, we’re sad to leave this tropical paradise behind. One the other hand, we’re itching to explore new places and have new adventures (the mountains are calling…). We finally started seriously thinking about where we would go after leaving here. For some unknown reason, I thought April would be less busy and we could simply float around to whatever state parks we wanted. I guess I forgot about the endless rolling spring break that goes well into April. Fortunately, we managed to snag a few reservations and one cancellation at three Florida state parks that will take us all the way north to the panhandle. From there we’ll move quickly to Hot Springs, Arkansas and then we’re going to wing it with our ultimate destination this summer being the mountains of southern Idaho. Can not wait to go hiking again!

Not a lot of “hiking” to be found around here
Not much of note has happened since my last post. We didn’t even go kayaking over the weekend. We did get a ton more done on the Airstream, and aside from some small details, it’s pretty much ready to move back in. Now we just have to transfer all the stuff we moved into the house back to the Airstream. That will be next week though as this weekend we have plans for one last kayaking adventure, one last bocce night, and maybe even one last dinner out.
Speaking of dinner out — I just remembered that we did do something fun last week! We met up with fellow full-timers Jennette & Eric and Nina & Paul. We met Jennette & Eric last winter and have been fortunate to spend more time with them this winter. We met Nina & Paul during our first year of full-timing and have run into them here and there since then. It’s been a long time since we last crossed paths though — maybe three years — so it was great to catch up.

Jennette, Eric, Nina, Paul, Me & Tim (Photo courtesy of Eric)
I don’t have any fresh photos from fun adventures this week, but I do have a collection of photos from our time in the Keys that for one reason or another never got posted here. Enjoy!

How does he fit in there?

Keys Cruiser

Fresh veggies all winter long!

The turtle ambulance

Watch out for that wild beast!

This beauty is called an Angel Trumpet flower

Sinfully delicious

Only in the Keys can you find 10 different types of flamingo fabrics

Grocery store rooster

Theater turned pharmacy in Key West

Breezy palms

Bougainvillea explosion

The daily afternoon gathering of deer in our yard
I need flowers and fresh produce! Snowing like crazy here at the mountain.
So much for spring I guess!
So great to catch up with you. Love the pic round-up!
You too! Hope it’s not another 3 years until we cross paths again.
That hermit crab is a hoot! Love that FL and CA have farmers markets year round!
I’m so spoiled by having access to fresh produce year round. I can’t imagine going back to living in a place where nothing grows for half the year!
Your Airstream looks gorgeous, especially the walls. Can’t wait to see the final result. We too are hitting the road again on April 1 after 3 months in Palm Springs. Looking forward to traveling again and seeing new places although this has been a fabulous place to spend the winter. Having lived in Florida for all my life until last year when we set off, I know there’s no good hiking there to speak of. Here in Palm Springs the hiking has been fantastic. At this point, I never want to go back to Florida, although of course we will to see family. However, I don’t want to live there again. I’m too in love with the west to ever go back, although my husband has different ideas. We’ll see what the future brings!
Yup, hiking and Florida are two words that do not go together! We’ve spent some time in the Palm Springs area and agree that the hiking trails out there are wonderful. I feel the same way about the northeast as you do about Florida. We’ll always go back to visit family but I can’t imagine living there again. Yet another reason why it’s so nice to have a home with wheels :)
[…] discovered this thanks to our RV buddies Tim&Amanda and Eric&Jeanette who arranged a meet-up here. Great little upstairs tiki bar overlooking the […]