
  • Bear Creek Lake Park

    by Amanda August 18, 2014

    After spending the last six weeks exploring the mountains, we reluctantly left the majestic peaks behind and headed down, down, down. All the way down to the outskirts of Denver. The first thing…

  • Airstream Friends

    by Amanda June 28, 2014

    We’re still here in our super boondocking spot near/not so near Durango. Not much to report this week. No hikes, bike rides, or grand adventures. Just us hanging out, working,…

  • Durango Boondocking

    by Amanda June 23, 2014

    Despite what the name of this post suggests, we’re not actually in Durango. If you want to get all exact and stuff, we’re in between the small town of Mancos, and…

  • Taos

    by Amanda June 6, 2014

    This week we’re in beautiful Taos. With the impressive Taos mountains on one side, and the equally impressive Rio Grande Gorge on the other, it’s hard not to be taken in…

  • Good Times in Santa Fe

    by Amanda May 27, 2014

    After spending the majority of our week in Santa Fe at the RV park (Santa Fe Skies, which we really liked considering we usually are not big fans of RV parks)…

  • Bisbee has long been high on our list of places to visit. Not because of some childhood dream, or cool story we read in national geographic, or even because we…

  • A Weekend Caravan

    by Amanda August 19, 2013

    This weekend we went on our first official Airstream caravan! Friday after work us + Leigh, Brian & Curtis packed up and headed down the road for a short two…

  • Boyd Lake- Loveland, CO

    by Amanda July 26, 2013

    This week we’re staying at Boyd Lake State Park in Loveland. When planning our route through Colorado this wasn’t our first, second, or even third choice for a place to…

  • A day in Missoula, MT

    by Amanda August 24, 2012

    As much as we loved our sweet spot at Stuart Mill Bay it was time to move on. So yesterday after lunch we packed up and headed northwest to Missoula.…

  • Wine and Water

    by Amanda June 24, 2012

    Another gorgeous day on the lake. The pesky humidity is gone and we are left with perfect temperatures and a scattering of fluffy clouds. We took a morning walk though…

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